Altered Books
The relatively new art form – The Altered Book – totally intrigues me. It arises directly from my love of books and story, and my despair in seeing so many books discarded. I am driven to create ways to allow a visual image to rise from the damaged pages.
Altered Books inspired by classics
“I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island
Price: $300
Size: 11”w x 7 ½ d x 7”h
Price: $150
Size: 11”w x 11”d x 10 ½ h
Price: $250
Comes with a LED candle that tucks inside and looks like flickering firelight
Altered Books Inspired by Children's books
Size: 12”w x 9”d x 10 ½ “h
Price: $250
Is this reader opening or closing the book “The Princess Bride”? As Wesley said “As you wish.”
"Dancing is when I feel alive," said Posy.
Size: 9”w x 6”d x 7”h
Price: SOLD
Size: 9”w x 6”d x 8”h
Price: $200
Inside cover is my ink & wash sketch of the Cornish village setting of this story.
Size: 15”w x 101/2”d x 9”h
Price: 250
"Fee fi fo fum. I smell the blood of an English Man."
Price: $300
Quote from Poem
“How would you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh I do think it the pleasantest thing,
ever a child can do."
"Trip trap trip trap over the rickerty rackerty wooden bridge."
Price: $300
This piece was inspired by a small 3"x3" pop-up book. I used two elements from the damaged pop-up pages to recreate the central theme of the story on this larger canvas. The fun was trying to copy and blend with the style of the original art - very different from my usual style of painting.
Size: 16”w x 15”h x 121/2”d
Price: Not For Sale
Hana’s suitcase was my Book Art entry for “Displaced” – an International Book Art competition held by the Weiner Holocaust Library in London England. April 2014.
It was chosen as one of 50 pieces in a presentation by the library, and shown in a slide show to accompany the winner’s exhibit.
The suitcase is all that remains from the short life of Hana Brody, a child sent to Auschwitz in 1944, the year I was born.
Hana was crammed into a cattle boxcar with many other children for 4 days and nights. They were allowed one small suitcase each. They had no food, water or toilet facilities. Upon arrival at Auschwitz the children were ordered to leave their suitcases on the platforms and were marched straight to the gas chamber.
The folded book pages replicate the Auschwitz entrance. The children’s pleading hands are seen thrusting out of the boxcar.
Altered Books Inspired by Non fiction books and Field Guides
Size: 9 ½ “ d x 9”w x x14” h
Price: $250
The black and white illustrations of butterflies needed to escape and find their colours. Then the book itself began to fly.
Comes with small angled plinth.
So many lovely wild flowers, but the cheerful Dandelion is always first!
Size: 8”w x 10”d x 6”h
Price: $200
Comes with small angled plinth.
A Drivers guide to Australia
Size: 8 ½ “w x 11 ½ “ x 1”
Price: $200
Inserted panels include my mixed media abstract of the Snowy Mountains
Webster’s Dictionary N-Z
Size: 9 ½” x 6 ½ “ X 1”
Price: $200
An inserted mixed media panel shows a bald eagle. Below is a panel containing the delightful collection of words found adjacent to the word ‘Raptor' in this 1950's dictionary..
Encyclopedia Series: The 12 volume set known as The Source, was sold across Canada in the 1927 by travelling salemen.
Price: SOLD
Encyclopedia Series – The 12 volume set entitled The Source, was sold across Canada in 1927.
Price: $250
A fun depiction of young boy delving through an encyclopedia for information
Size: 13” x 13” x 12”h
Price: $250
A figure of child merges from the pages of a dictionary to symbolize absorbtion of knowledge.
Price: SOLD
A child reading an alphabet book imagines some favourite book characters joining him.
Size: 9”w x 12”d x 8”h
Price: SOLD
A tribute to Edith Piaf, and the wild roses seen everywhere on Pender Island in June.
Comes with small angled plinth
Price: SOLD