Contact Andrea

You are welcome to visit my studio on beautiful Pender Island, one of the Southern Gulf Islands in British Columbia.
BookEnds Studio: 1105 Ogden Rd. Pender Island.

Open  Friday through Monday
11am - 4pm. mid June – mid Sept.
But you are welcome other hours, just phone ahead
ph 250 629 2947


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Andrea working on FridaJPG.JPG


I am passionate about recycling and not adding more detritus to our world, so I was determined any art pieces I produced should use as much recycled material as possible. My altered books are all second hand, damaged, or destined to be pulped. My furniture begins as discards that are then rebuilt and refurbished as needed, before being adorned. The scratches and dents from their previous life are incorporated as part of their narrative. The assemblage, encaustic and collage pieces use items most people discard.  Yes – I live in creative chaos!