Mixed Media Art
Assemblage is the creation of 3D art pieces using a variety of found objects. The challenge to the artists is not only to envisage and create the piece, but to learn a wide variety of fabrication techniques. Assemblage requires knowing how to stick materials never intend to be fused, together.
Encaustic or "hot wax painting" is an ancient technique. I heat beeswax and an extender to the liquid stage, mix in pigmentation then paint the wax in layers on a wood surface. Using a heat gun to fuse everything together I embed collage items within the layers. The result produces semi-translucent depths within a very durable wax panel
The painting of Frida Ive used as the shrine's focal point, was done by her husband Diego Riviere. This is a postcard reproduction sold to me on a street corner by a pedler in San Miguel. The mariarchi players are hand crafted Christmas tree ornaments from the local market.
Assemblage old postcard, pennies, and playing cards etc
Size: 14”x10”x2’
Price: SOLD
An Ironic social commentary triggered by discovering a steamship photo postcard. It shows a well-dressed party of 1930’s visitors to BC’s Northern coast. They stepped ashore to have their souvenir photo taken so they could mail it to to family and friends, then retreated quickly back to the comfort of the ship. The ship offered gambling as a way to pass the time, while steaming through magnificent scenery.
On modern cruise to Alaska I realised nothing had changed. Passengers would rather admire the beautiful wilderness from the boat deck, then get back to their online poker game and endless dining, rather than brave the insects and the endless forest. The copper linked chain symbolises how we are hidebound by fear and convention.
Materials: Encaustic panel using waxed silk and other celebratary fabrics
Size: 9” x 9”x 1”
Price: SOLD
What do you do with the fragments of silk and lace, glitters and gold paper, when realities of life set in?
Materials: Encaustic panel with embeded insect prints, dried leaves and texturing.
Size: 9” x 9”x 1”
Price: SOLD
Th encaustic panel was Inspired by memories of the painted caves of Altamira, Spain. The smell of the beeswax I was using, triggered musings about the role insects and honey played in Paleolithic lifestyles.
Materials: Encaustic panel with altered photo fragments
Size: 9” x 9”x 1”
Price: SOLD
Exploring our relationships between the natural world and our created one, by layering a spiral staircase over a cross section of a nautilus shell and using artificially made Tyvec soaked in beeswax.
Size: 6”x8”
Price: $50
A selection of my photos, each with an original abstract encaustic mono print superimposed
Size: 6”x8”
Price: $50
Size: 6”x8”
Price: $50
A selection of my photos, each with an original abstract encaustic mono print superimposed
Paper Collage made of sheet music
Size: 2 @ 6”x 6” x 1”
Price: $120 for the dytych
I used an adaptation of Japanese Notan to express the shapes I see when listening to music.
Size: 17” x 17” x 1 ½ “
Price $250
Collage using sheet music, flower prints, acrylic paints and stenciled shapes with a brush and ink portrait painted on top.
MATERIALS: An assemblage shrine to Frida Kahlo, created from objects collected on several trips to Mexico
In Mexico Frida Kahlo is an icon and held in almost as much regard as Our Lady of Guardaloupe. I have created a shrine to Frida to honour her place in Mexican Culture. The dove on top carries a banner saying "Who needs feet when I have wings" a remark she made refering to dealing with her disabitly by using Art as her escape.