Contact Andrea

You are welcome to visit my studio on beautiful Pender Island, one of the Southern Gulf Islands in British Columbia.
BookEnds Studio: 1105 Ogden Rd. Pender Island.

Open  Friday through Monday
11am - 4pm. mid June – mid Sept.
But you are welcome other hours, just phone ahead
ph 250 629 2947


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Encaustic Wax.JPG

Mixed Media Art

Assemblage is the creation of 3D art pieces using a variety of found objects. The challenge to the artists is not only to envisage and create the piece, but to learn a wide variety of fabrication techniques. Assemblage requires knowing how to stick materials never intend to be fused, together.


Encaustic or "hot wax painting" is an ancient technique. I heat beeswax and an extender to the liquid stage, mix in pigmentation then paint the wax in layers on a wood surface. Using a heat gun to fuse everything together I embed collage items within the layers. The result produces semi-translucent depths within a very durable wax panel 


