
You are welcome to visit my studio on beautiful Pender Island, one of the Southern Gulf Islands in British Columbia.
BookEnds Studio: 1105 Ogden Rd. Pender Island.
Open Friday through Monday
11am - 4pm. mid June – mid Sept.
But you are welcome other hours, just phone ahead
ph 250 629 2947
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(123) 555-6789
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Link to read me page with more information.
After The Wedding – what to do with that damn dress?
Materials: Encaustic panel using waxed silk and other celebratary fabrics
Size: 9” x 9”x 1”
Price: SOLD
What do you do with the fragments of silk and lace, glitters and gold paper, when realities of life set in?
In the Beginning
Materials: Encaustic panel with embeded insect prints, dried leaves and texturing.
Size: 9” x 9”x 1”
Price: SOLD
Th encaustic panel was Inspired by memories of the painted caves of Altamira, Spain. The smell of the beeswax I was using, triggered musings about the role insects and honey played in Paleolithic lifestyles.
Materials: Encaustic panel with altered photo fragments
Size: 9” x 9”x 1”
Price: SOLD
Exploring our relationships between the natural world and our created one, by layering a spiral staircase over a cross section of a nautilus shell and using artificially made Tyvec soaked in beeswax.
Island Miniature series - Arbutus
Size: 6”x8”
Price: $50
A selection of my photos, each with an original abstract encaustic mono print superimposed
Island Miniture Series - Lichens
Size: 6”x8”
Price: $50
Size: 6”x8”
Price: $50
A selection of my photos, each with an original abstract encaustic mono print superimposed