Contact Andrea

You are welcome to visit my studio on beautiful Pender Island, one of the Southern Gulf Islands in British Columbia.
BookEnds Studio: 1105 Ogden Rd. Pender Island.

Open  Friday through Monday
11am - 4pm. mid June – mid Sept.
But you are welcome other hours, just phone ahead
ph 250 629 2947


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Blog - Between the Pages

Between the Pages #1 - Literally!


Since I’m calling my blog Between the Pages, is seems appropriate that the first entry  is an article about myself and my work between the pages of a magazine.

It was delightful to be interviewed by friend and fellow writer Cherie Thiessen for Aqua Magazine, but it’s definitely odd to read about oneself through the eyes of another.

Did I really do that? Say that?  IS that really me? Massive thanks Cherie  for thinking I was interesting enough to interview. You did a wonderful job.

Click here to view the article.